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Friday, September 4, 2009

HowTo Install FLDigi from source code on Ubuntu 9.04 x86_64 for the Yaesu FT-2000/D Part 2



# Authored for by k6***
# Use at your own risk, no warranty at all.

# The Fldigi install:
# The configure option can make a big difference to fldigi.
# This is my basic configuration, yes to all sound subsystems with no CPU optimizations.

# Run the fldigi configure.
cd /usr/local/src/fldigi-3.12.4

#Configuration summary:
# Version ..................... 3.12.4
# Static linking .............. no
# CPU optimizations ........... none
# Debugging ................... no
# fldigi ...................... yes
# flarq ....................... yes
# i18n ........................ yes
# fldigi build options:
# sndfile ..................... yes
# oss ......................... yes
# portaudio ................... yes
# pulseaudio .................. yes
# hamlib ...................... yes
# xmlrpc ...................... yes

echo "Please review the Fldigi Configuration summary before continuing on."
echo " "
echo "Hit Enter to continue."
read page

# Build and install fldigi.
make; make install

# Step two has finished, hopefully you have a working fldigi install
# To remove the fldigi install do the following.
# cd /usr/local/src/fldigi-3.12.4
# make uninstall

echo "Fldigi installed"

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